JATENG - The Central Java (Central Java) Provincial Government continues to make efforts to eradicate extreme poverty in a number of areas. Regional Apparatus Organization Programs (OPD) will be further encouraged for this purpose.

"The 'One OPD One Village Assistance' program is still being rolled out to reduce poverty in Central Java, including asking district/city governments to replicate and multiply the program," said Deputy Governor of Central Java Taj Yasin Maimoen in Semarang, Friday, April 8.

In addition, the Central Java Provincial Government will also immediately coordinate with the central government to continue to suppress the increase in the price of basic commodities, especially during Ramadan and ahead of Eid 2022.

According to the deputy governor, apart from COVID-19, the increase in the price of basic commodities is an indicator of increasing poverty in Indonesia, including in Central Java Province.

"This increase does not only occur in Central Java. It means nationally, so we need to coordinate with local and central governments, so that this year, in this fasting month, especially ahead of Idul Fitri, the prices of existing commodities can be controlled," he said.

Previously, Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin set 212 districts/cities in 25 provinces throughout Indonesia as a priority to accelerate the elimination of extreme poverty by 2022.

This is stated in the Circular Letter of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Number: B-38/KSN/SWP/KK.04.01/02/2022. In the letter, Central Java Province contained 19 extreme poor districts/cities.

Apart from Central Java, in West Java Province there are 17 regencies/cities, while as many as 25 regencies/cities in East Java are also included in the priority of handling extreme poverty.

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