JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria responded to the submission of two Jakarta residents who asked Anies Baswedan's term as Governor of DKI Jakarta to be extended. The residents submitted an application to the Constitutional Court (MK).

Riza assessed that the term of office for regional heads, especially in Jakarta, had been determined by the results of the 2017 general election, in which Anies and himself served until mid-October.

"If the positions of regional heads, deputy regional heads, regents and mayors, governors and their deputies are completed according to their terms of office on May 15, there will be provincial regional heads who have expired. Later, we, Anies and me, on October 16 will finish," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Friday, April 8th.

Riza confirmed that he complied with the provisions. If there are residents who want their governor's term to be extended, then they must wait for the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.

"Yes, we have done it. Later, we will wait for the 2024 Pilkada," said Riza.

As is known, DKI Jakarta residents named A. Komarudin and Eny Rochayati submitted a judicial review of Article 201 paragraph (9), paragraph (10), and paragraph (11) of the Pilkada Law to the Constitutional Court.

The provisions of Article 201 paragraph (9) of the Pilkada Law are: To fill the vacancies of the Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Regent, as well as Mayor and Deputy Mayor whose term of office ends in 2022 as referred to in paragraph (3) and whose term ends in In 2023, as referred to in paragraph (5), the acting governor, acting regent and mayor are appointed until the election of the governor and deputy governor, regent and deputy regent, as well as mayor and deputy mayor through national simultaneous elections in 2024.

Article 201 paragraph 10: To fill the vacant position of the Governor, an acting Governor is appointed from the middle high leadership position until the inauguration of the Governor in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

Article 201 paragraph 11: To fill the vacant position of the Regent/Mayor, an acting Regent/Mayor is appointed from the high-ranking pratama leadership position to the inauguration of the Regent and Mayor in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

Judging from the minutes of the trial results of case number 37/PUU-XX/2022 seen from the website of the Constitutional Court, the panel of judges of the Constitutional Court has not seen any real constitutional harm in this petition for judicial review.

The petitioners were asked by the Constitutional Court Judge to correct the application documents in the next two weeks, ie until April 20, 2022.

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