Marshel Widianto's Good Intention To Dea Onlyfans By Buying Porn Videos Instead, Takes Him To The Police
Marshel Widianto/Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has finished examining Marshel Widianto as a witness in the pornography case with the suspect Dea OnlyFans. The examination was the aftermath of the purchase of 76 pornographic content.

After undergoing an inspection that lasted about 4 hours, Marshel also gave a statement regarding the purchase. Starting from the initial intention to the price of 76 Dea OnlyFans porn content.

Intention to Help

Marshel began to reveal the reason behind buying 76 pornographic content of Dea OnlyFans. One of them, wants to help Dea who is said to be having a hard time.

"Because I really want to help," said Marshel to reporters, Thursday, April 7.

Marshel said that the intention to help Dea came after hearing the complaints of the suspect in the pornography case.

In the communication that was established via WhatsApp, Dea was said to be in a state of economic difficulty. In fact, almost decided to end his life.

"I gave my time to listen, to be honest, at that time he was really weak, he just wanted to encourage him. Until there was a moment when he wanted to kill himself," he said.

With various considerations, Marshel decided to help by buying the pornographic content directly.

One of the reasons for buying directly or without going through the OnlyFans platform is to avoid being subject to tax deductions. So, the money given can be received in full.

"Why not through OnlyFans because maybe my thought was that if I gave it to OnlyFans, there would be a discount, maybe there would be a fee from OnlyFans. In the end, I gave it directly to him to help," said Marshel.

Buy Rp1.4 Million

For that reason, Marshel also bought the pornographic content. For 76 content that is on Google Drive, this comedian pays Rp. 1.4 million.

"It took around Rp. 1.4 million to buy it," said Marshel, explaining the amount of content was 1 Giga Drive.

"Unfortunately, it's really Rp. 1.4 million. Why don't you buy an electricity token," he joked.

Marshel denied that he regularly consumed the video. The problem is to be able to log into that account requires a password. And he himself had already deleted the password.

"So I just watched it once, take a peek," said Marshel.

Claims Not Spread

On the other hand, Marshel Widianto claimed not to spread pornographic content from Dea OnlyFans that he bought. The reason is, it has entered the personal realm and should not be conveyed to anyone.

"Honestly, this is a private sphere (buying pornographic content, ed). When I tell you, uh, I bought porn, don't you," said Marshel.

For that reason, Marshel closed the meeting about the purchase of pornographic content. Moreover, Marshel claimed that the intention to buy was to help Dea who was experiencing economic difficulties.

Marshel also admitted that he was surprised that his name was mentioned as the buyer of the pornographic content when the Dea OnlyFans legal process was handled by the police.

"Because this is a private cave, that's why no one knows and many are surprised too," said Marshel.

For information, in this case, Dea OnlyFans was named a suspect. He was charged with Article 27 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 1 of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning the ITE Law.

Then, Article 4 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 29 and or Article 4 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 30 and or Article 8 in conjunction with Article 34 and or Article 9 in conjunction with Article 35 and or Article 10 in conjunction with Article 36 of Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography.

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