JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion received assistance in the form of 1 ton of dates and 3,000 copies of the Koran from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a form of concern for King Salman during Ramadan.

"We also thank King Salman, for his continuity in providing assistance to the Indonesian people. We also thank the crown prince, Muhammad Bin Salman, the Ambassador and the Religious Attaché for paying attention to the Indonesian people," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion Nizar Ali quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 7th.

Nizar said this assistance would later be distributed to the provincial office, religious community organizations, Islamic religious universities (PTKI), and other parties mandated by the Saudi Kingdom.

"On behalf of the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Religion, we thank you for the gifts, in the form of the Koran and dates. This is very beneficial for the Indonesian people," he said.

Meanwhile, the Religious Attache of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Jakarta, Sheikh Ahmad Essa Alhazmi, said that King Salman always pays attention to other countries, including Indonesia during the month of Ramadan.

That attention, among others, by providing assistance in the form of the Koran, dates, and a number of other assistance from the muhsinin and donors of Saudi Arabia for the people of Indonesia.

"Hopefully this program will become a sustainable program," he said.

He also conveyed a message of congratulations on welcoming the holy and glorious month of Ramadan from King Salman to Muslims in Indonesia

"Greetings from the king of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Greetings from the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia. Greetings also from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Ministry of Religion," said Sheikh Ahmad Essa Alhazmi.

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