SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) said the campaign props (APK) of the Surabaya mayor candidate pair and their deputy Eri Cahyadi-Armuji did not violate KPU (PKPU) regulations. Although the candidate number one APK includes a picture of Tri Rismaharini.

"But putting up a picture of the President is not allowed, it is a violation. It has been explained in PKPU regarding the General Election," said the Coordinator of the Data and Information Law Division (HDI) and Public Relations of the Surabaya City Bawaslu, Yaqub Baliyyah Al Arif, in Surabaya, Thursday, October 1. .

Therefore, Yaqub asked the Machfud-Mujiaman winning team to remove the APK that had Jokowi's image attached. If not, Bawaslu will lower it to curb the billboards that violate PKPU.

"Because it's a violation, but an administrative violation. So, we ask that it be removed immediately," he explained.

Regarding the APK question belonging to candidate pair number one Eri Cahyadi-Armuji who posted a picture of Tri Rismaharini, Yaqub said it could not be said to have violated it. Because, Risma is a cadre who is also one of the Chairmen of the PDIP DPP.

According to Yaqub, his party has so far not seen any violation of Risma's picture on the Eri-Armuji billboard. This is because the billboard does not include Risma as the Mayor of Surabaya.

"If the picture is as a party cadre, that's okay. But if you are on behalf of the mayor you can't, that's already regulated in PKPU. But what is clear is that putting up a picture of President Jokowi is clearly a violation," said Yaqub.

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