BEKASI - The Bekasi Metropolitan Police have named two suspects in a sarong brawl that ended in death on Jalan Raya Tambun Utara, Sriamur Village, Tambun Utara District, which resulted in the death of one victim DS (14) on Tuesday, April 5 in the morning. Then, of the four people, we have named two as suspects. One is an adult, the other is 17 years old," said Bekasi Metro Police Chief Commissioner Gidion Arif Setyawan in Bekasi, Thursday, April 7. between the group of perpetrators who were gathering near the prayer room and another group of teenagers. "The perpetrator and his friends were hanging out in the prayer room near the house, then the perpetrators made an appointment via WhatsApp to play sarong wars and met at the crime scene with the victim group," he said. In progress, a member of the group of perpetrators was slashed by a sharp weapon, sparking anger. "The sister of the suspect, t "He was hit by a sharp weapon, suspected to have been stabbed with a sickle, then the perpetrator met the victim's group, then the victim was beaten to the ground," he said, quoted by Antara. "Based on the results of the investigation, the blunt wound was due to a blunt wound, but the other (victim) was a sharp object," he said.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bekasi Metro Police AKBP Aris Timang said the victim died from blunt force trauma. "According to their statement, when they beat, they did not use tools, only used their hands. But that is his confession (the suspect)," said Aris. "For families to be able to hand over their children or relatives to surrender," he said. The parents of the DA victim, Nurdin, suspected that his son died after being beaten by dozens of people during a brawl with severe injuries to the head and chest. The doctor from the nearest hospital referred the victim to the Bekasi Regional Hospital for further treatment. "The wound on the head and chest was finally referred to the Bekasi Hospital, where my son was declared dead," he said.

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