Confide In Lanraki Residents Ask Appi To Pay Attention To The 'Hallway' When Selected As Walkot Makassar
Candidate for Mayor of Makassar Munafri Arifuddin (Appi) on Jalan Lanraki (DOK. Appi-Rahman Team)

MAKASSAR - Uneven development. This condition is felt in the alley of Jalan Lanraki, Biringkanaya, Makassar.

This description of the alley — the name of an alley in Makassar — was conveyed by the Head of RT 3 / RW 4 of Berua Kelurahan, Antonius Tandaria, saying that the area he chaired had not been given much attention. In fact, the construction down the alleys is the promise of the previous mayor.

He hopes Munafri Arifuddin (Appi) if elected as mayor of Makassar will realize the development program in alleys.

"The hallway to our complex often floods. This is our urgent need, ”said Antonius to Appi, Thursday, October 1.

Another problem faced by the residents of Jalan Lanraki is the chaotic construction. RT heads and RW heads are said to have not been involved in construction licensing. Even though both of them best understand the conditions in their area.

"What we need is clean water and education," continued Antonius.

Appi responded to Antonius's wish. Appi, who is paired with the vice mayor of Makassar Rahman Bando, promised to involve the RT and RW heads in construction if he won the Makassar Pilkada.

"Regarding development licensing, they must be involved. Because they know best. Which one can be built, which cannot be. If you just build it, then one of the results is flooding, "said Appi.

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