JAKARTA - The Bandung Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) confiscated 19,551 illegal drug and cosmetic products worth IDR 1.2 billion from a house in Sukajadi, Bandung, West Java.

Coordinator of the Bandung BBPOM Enforcement Substance Group, Alex Sander, said the house was suspected of being a distribution site for illegal goods that did not have a distribution permit.

"Some traditional medicinal and cosmetic products do not have a distribution permit. So there are some that do not have a distribution permit at this TKP (case)," said Alex in Bandung, Wednesday, April 6, quoted from Antara.

The illegal drug and cosmetic products were secured using cardboard boxes. There are 34 types of medicinal and cosmetic products.

The raid on the house began with information from the public since February 2022 who suspected illegal activities at the location. His party then carried out monitoring twice before carrying out crackdown operations or raids.

"So this action is based on the leadership's direction," he said.

The owner of the house, as the party responsible for the illegal activities, has been investigated by officers in accordance with applicable regulations.

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