JAKARTA - Chinese authorities express strong protest at the Pentagon's intention to increase arms shipments to Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday.

“Such actions by the US undermine China-American relations and disrupt peace in the Taiwan Strait. In this regard, China expresses firm protest and sharp discontent," he said at a briefing.

According to the diplomat, Chinese authorities consider the supply of US weapons to Taipei a violation of bilateral agreements, as well as a violation of China's national interests.

"The United States must cancel the planned arms supply and stop conducting military exercises with Taiwan's participation," Zhao said.

As previously reported, the United States Department of State has approved a potential sale of equipment, training and other items to Taiwan to support the Patriot Air Defense System in a deal worth up to $95 million, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The package will cover training, planning, deployment, deployment, operations, maintenance and upkeep of the Patriot Air Defense System and associated equipment, the Pentagon said in a notice to Congress.

"This proposed sale serves U.S. national, economic, and security interests, by supporting the recipient's ongoing efforts to modernize its armed forces and to maintain a credible defense capability," the Pentagon said.

The United States is bound by law to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, despite no formal diplomatic ties, an outrage that such arms sales in Beijing have always stirred up.

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