JAKARTA - The South Kalimantan Regional Police have succeeded in dismantling the practice of abusing subsidized diesel fuel (BBM) which is sold to industry. Eight perpetrators were arrested.

"There are eight suspects arrested with evidence of 3,075 liters of diesel being confiscated along with cars and trucks as a means of shunting," said Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police Kombes Pol Mochamad Rifa'i in Banjarmasin, Tuesday, April 5.

The eight perpetrators who were arrested by the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation have the initials AS, DA, BU, SA, RS, HY, SU, and AR who were arrested at different locations while carrying out fuel shunting activities at public gas stations (SPBU).

Among them are in the areas of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency and Balangan Regency.

"So when taking action, the Regional Police are assisted by the local Polres on public information," said Rifa'i.

As for the modus operandi, the perpetrator used empty jerry cans and drums, including a car that had been modified to accommodate a lot of diesel fuel.

Then it is sold back to the industry at a much higher price to reap double profits from the fraudulent practice of abusing subsidized fuel.

"Kapolda South Kalimantan Inspector General Pol Rikwanto has ordered to continue to carry out a monitoring system and strict supervision of the distribution of subsidized fuel and take firm action against perpetrators who are proven to have violated the law," said Rifa'i.

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