JAKARTA - The police have again named Dr Richard Lee as a suspect. This time it is related to the defamation case against Kartika Putri.

Richard Lee was previously named a suspect in the illegal access case on August 11, 2021.

"So there are two police reports by Richard Lee, the first is related to defamation of which the reporter is Kartika Putri. Then there is another issue of illegal access, both of which we have named as suspects," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Auliansyah Lubis to journalists, Tuesday, April 5th.

In a defamation case, Richard Lee was suspected of insulting Kartika Putri in January 2021.

At that time, Richard discussed one of the beauty products in the form of a face cream on his YouTube channel. Where, the cream is considered dangerous.

Richard said the beauty products contained mercury and hydroquinone. Turns out, the cream was a fake that was purchased online from Helwa.

"So, is it true that the product is Helwa's product, we don't know, it's an online product," said Auliansyah.

However, the Helwa product which was also promoted by Kartika Putri was in accordance with the rules. Meanwhile, the product that Richard Lee bought was released in 2019.

Meanwhile, in 2020 the Helwa product promoted by Kartika Putri already has the BPOM label.

"So the 2019 product is different, while Kartika Putri is a 2020 product," said Auliansyah.

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