DENPASAR - Alleged negligence when Musician I Gede Ari Astina alias Jerinx was making out with his wife Nora Alexandra is now being handled by the Bali High Prosecutor's Office. Nora Alexandra posted this video of making out in the prison car, but was later deleted after it became the spotlight.

"Whereas looking at the news related to the incident, it is suspected that there was negligence in implementing the SOP for escorting detainees. For this reason, the Bali Prosecutor's Office will conduct an evaluation and emphasize that the incident does not happen again in the Jerinx trial or in other cases, ”said Head of the Bali Prosecutor's Office, Abdirun Luga Harlianto, to reporters, Wednesday, September 30.

The moment when Jerinx made out and made out in the detention car occurred after Jerinx's continued trial, Tuesday, September 29. At that time Nora got into the detention car to meet her husband, Jerinx.

"In principle, there was no special treatment for the accused Jerinx," said Luga.

Previously, Kasipidum of the Denpasar Prosecutor's Office, Eka Widanta said that his party did not question it because Jerinx's time to meet his wife was limited. However, corrections will still be made because the video is spread.

"If you miss it, it's okay, he also said thank you. (Party) The prosecutor's office does, if we meet (Jerinx and Nora), it can be spare, not too (questioned). I'll correct it in the future, ”said Eka Widanta to reporters, Tuesday, September 29.

Eka admitted that the Kejari had given time so that Jerinx could meet his wife Nora. Jerinx today underwent a follow-up trial which was held online.

“I gave his family the time to meet me. I immediately took him to the detention car so that I didn't visit again. We only have 3 minutes left, it turns out to make a video like that with a conscience, "said Eka.

But still Jerinx's side was reprimanded because the moment with his wife was videotaped and then spread on social media.

"Making out in detention means ethics. Earlier, I admonished it bro so that you don't post like that. In the future, as a correction for me about him, "continued Eka.

Jerinx was charged with spreading hatred or hostility towards the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) through posts on his Instagram account. The prosecutor considered Jerinx's post about 'IDI Kacung WHO' to insult IDI.

There are two Jerinx posts on the @jrxsid account in question, namely the posts on June 13 and June 15. According to the prosecutor, Jerinx deliberately and without right spread information that caused hatred or hostility to individuals or groups of the community, namely the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) in Bali.

According to the prosecutor, Jerinx deliberately made the post until it was judged by the prosecutor to cause hatred towards IDI. Jerinx's character in Superman Is Dead (SID) was also mentioned in the indictment.

Jerinx was charged with Article 28 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 2 of the Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE) and the second alternative charge, namely Article 27 paragraph 3 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law.

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