JAKARTA - Member of Commission IV of the DPR from the PKS faction, Johan Rosihan, is concerned about the increase in the number of basic commodities on the first day of Ramadan this year. According to him, currently, the government has violated the constitution because price fluctuations continue to move uncontrollably, so it becomes a heavy blow for the community.

In fact, said Johan, the preamble to the 1945 Constitution states that it is intended to protect all the people and the homeland of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare.

"I think the government has neglected the purpose of its existence in this country," Johan told reporters, Monday, April 4.

"Just imagine, currently there are a majority of Indonesian people who will carry out fasting, usually the consumption rate increases by 10-20 percent. However, let alone the government can protect and facilitate, the people are increasingly burdened and left alone to deal with the market," he continued.

This PKS politician explained that before this fast all commodities such as cooking oil, sugar, pulses, fuel oil (BBM), gas, to toll rates have increased in price. This, according to Johan, shows that market governance is driven by the free market paradigm or liberalism.

"In fact, our constitution expressly states that the economy is structured as a joint effort based on the principle of kinship," he said.

The secretary of the PKS MPR RI faction explained that the uncontrolled price fluctuations were the result of the market form in Indonesia which tends to be oligopoly and even monopoly.

"And witnessing that the government is not able to improve the market mechanism so that it must submit to market forces. This is what I call the government has violated the constitution because its policies are not able to protect the interests of the people, instead of losing to the interests of the market," explained Johan.

In addition, Johan continued, in accordance with Article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution which mandates the government that the use of all resources in Indonesia must be used for the greatest prosperity of the people. Based on this constitution, he said, it was clear that the government had committed a violation because from a policy perspective it was not oriented to protecting and meeting the needs of the people.

"For example, the CPO policy is prioritized for exports even though the people need it more for domestic purposes, so there is a phenomenon of cooking oil scarcity and prices depending on the market," he said. The PKS legislator for the NTB electoral district said that food prices in Indonesia are not competitive compared to other developing countries in Asia. Johan said that the increase in food prices would put pressure on 81 percent of the country's population.

"This means that food price stability is a constitutional mandate that the government must fulfill, because it is closely related to the protection of all the people and the spilled blood of Indonesia," said Johan. The increase in prices for the food sector, he continued, would have a significant impact on increasing poverty. This sector, said Johan, will contribute 72 percent to the poverty rate if there is an increase in prices.

"So it is very seriously affecting the socio-economic conditions of the people and the national economy," he said. Therefore, Johan emphasized that the government should immediately improve the market mechanism and be more in favor of the interests of the domestic economy. He reminded the Government not to lose and submit to market forces.

"I emphasize that government policies must be in accordance with the interests of the people and must not be subject to market forces," concluded Johan Rosihan.

It is known, that the prices for basic commodities or basic necessities in traditional markets have increased in price. This price spike occurred on the first day of Ramadan 2022.

For example, in Pasar Jaya Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, which was monitored on Sunday, April 3, a number of staple foods that were recorded to have increased were sugar, cayenne pepper, eggs, and meat.

The selling price of granulated sugar rose to IDR 15-17 thousand per kilogram, from the previous IDR 14 thousand. Flour rose to IDR 9-8 thousand per kilogram, depending on the brand. The price for brown sugar is IDR 17-18 thousand per kilogram, which was previously only IDR 16 thousand.

The price of curly red chili is IDR 48 thousand per kilogram, from the previous IDR 40 thousand. Meanwhile, red cayenne pepper (cengkeh) has increased from 2 weeks ago, which was IDR 60 thousand per kilogram from the previous IDR 50 thousand.

Green chilies are IDR 35 thousand per kilogram, the same as the price of curly green chilies of IDR 35 thousand per kilogram. The highest increase in chili prices was experienced by curly red chili and cayenne pepper.

Garlic rose IDR 38 thousand per kilogram from the previous IDR 35 thousand. Shallots rose to IDR 28 thousand per kilogram from IDR 23 thousand.

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