JAKARTA - The defendant prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari underwent a further trial with an exception reading agenda. In the trial Piangki emphasized that he never mentioned the names of the Attorney General, ST Burhanuddin and the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Hatta Ali.

Through his lawyer, Jefri Moses, Pinangki said there was no connection between the two people in this case. In fact, their names were never mentioned by him in the process of examination.

"Regarding the names of Mr Hatta Ali and Mr ST Burhanudin, who have been linked recently in the legal case of the defendant, have absolutely nothing to do with and the defendant never mentioned his name in the process of investigating and prosecuting the defendant's case," said Jefri in a trial at the Court. Negeri Jakarta Pusat, Wednesday, September 30

Especially for Hatta Ali, Jefri said that his client did not know him at all. In fact, Pinangki only knew Hatta Ali as the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

"Pinangki admitted that he did not know him personally and never communicated with him," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding Burhanuddin, the relationship with Pinangki was claimed to be limited to work. This is because Burhanuddin is the Attorney General who is his superior at the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung).

"But he did not know and never communicated with him," he said.

Previously, the names Burhanuddin and Hatta Ali were mentioned in the action plan points two, three, six and seven in the case that ensnared Pinangki.

In point two, it is stated that the letter sent from the lawyer to BR (Burhanuddin / Officials of the Attorney General's Office) which Pinangki Sirna Malasari meant as a letter of request for a Supreme Court (MA) fatwa from the lawyer to the Attorney General to be forwarded to the Supreme Court.

The person in charge for this action plan is IR (Andi Irfan Jaya) and AK (Dr. Anita Kolopaking) which will be held on February 24, 2020 to February 25, 2020.

The third action plan is that BR (Burhanuddin / Official of the Attorney General's Office) sends a letter to HA (Hatta Ali / Supreme Court Official).

According to prosecutors, Pinangki called it a follow-up to a letter from a lawyer regarding the Supreme Court Fatwa request. The person in charge for this Action plan is IR (Andi Irfan Jaya) and P (Pinangki, the defendant) which will be implemented from 26 February 2020 to 1 March 2020.

Meanwhile, the sixth action plan is HA (Hatta Ali / Supreme Court Officer) answering BR (Burhanuddin / Supreme Court Officer). What the defendant meant was the response to the Supreme Court letter to the AGO's letter regarding the MA fatwa request. Person in charge for the HA (Hatta Ali / MA Official) / DK (unknown) and AK (Anita Kolopaking) action plan which will be implemented March 6-16 2020.

The seventh action plan was that BR (Burhanuddin / Officials of the Attorney General's Office) issued instructions related to the letter HA (Hatta Ali / Supreme Court Officer), what the Defendant meant was that the Attorney General's Office instructed his subordinates to implement the Fatwa of the Supreme Court. The person in charge for this action is IF (unknown) / P (Pinangki / defendant), which will be held on March 16, 2020 to March 26, 2020.

In this indictment, it was stated that not a single action plan was realized. Even though Joko Tjandra has already given Pinangki a down payment of 500 thousand US dollars or the equivalent of Rp7.5 billion.

The Pinangki prosecutor was charged in three cases. First, the Pinangki prosecutor was charged with receiving 500 thousand US dollars as a down payment for the Supreme Court fatwa so that Joko Tjandra could be free from imprisonment related to the transfer of Bank Bali collection rights.

The second indictment, prosecutor Pinangki was charged with the crime of money laundering. According to the prosecutor, Pinangki received 500 thousand US dollars from Joko Tjandra through Andi Irfan Jaya. The US $ 50 thousand was handed over to Anita Dewi Kolopaking, a lawyer. The prosecutor charged the remaining 450 thousand US dollars of money laundering.

Meanwhile, the third indictment, prosecutor Pinangki, was charged with consensus with Andi Irfan Jaya and Joko Tjandra for giving money to officials of the Attorney General's Office and the Supreme Court. The amount promised in this evil conspiracy was 10 million US dollars

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