PENAJAM - Kampung Baru Village, Penajam District, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, became a pilot program for the Climate Village or ProKlim program of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). Head of the North Penajam Paser Regency Environmental Service, Tita Deritayati in Penajam, Friday April 1 According to him, Kampung Baru Village has succeeded in managing mangrove forests with the density of mangrove trees being considered quite maximal. apart from the support of Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan or PHKT. ProKlim is a program that functions to encourage communities to increase climate resilience through adaptation actions and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through mitigation actions. With ProKlim, communities will have climate resilience in facing but climate change because it has taken action to adapt to climate change, in addition to contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

"ProKlim will also encourage collaboration and synergy of activities between parties," he was quoted as saying. "We are trying to invite the community to take various steps in dealing with climate change," he added. "It can't be stopped," said Tita Deritayati, but through ProKlim, it is hoped that climate change will not happen faster. The steps taken by the community do not have to be big actions, said Tita Deritayati, but can be done in a simple way and can raise awareness in protecting the environment.

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