JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) Beni Satria revealed a number of alleged violations of medical ethics committed by Terawan Agus Putranto through treatment for chronic ischemic stroke or known as brain washing. Terawan Agus Putranto as the reported person when applying therapeutic/treatment measures against chronic ischemic stroke known as Brain Washing (BW) or Brain Spa (BS), through the Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) diagnostic method," said Beni Satria in a virtual press conference held followed by the Zoom application in Jakarta, Friday, April 1 afternoon. Beni said that the most important ethical violations related to this included excessive self-advertising by claiming actions for treatment (curative) and prevention (preventive). invitation of the Division of Medical Ethics Honorary Council Development (MKEK PB IDI, including an invitation to attend a Court hearing regarding this matter. "The Reported Party (Terawan) is also related to allegations of charging large amounts of money for actions for which there has been no evidence-based medical analysis (EBM)," he said, quoted by Antara. In addition, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2019-2020 period is considered to have promised healing to patients after undergoing brain washing (BW). since July 2013.

The MKEK has responded to the controversy over the BW method in the medical profession since 2015. A year later, reports regarding the alleged ethical violation of Terawan's BW method began to be processed. DR. Dr. Moh. Hasan Machfoed, SpS(K) as the Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Neurologist Association (PP Perdossi), Prof. Dr. Teguh AS Ranakusuma, SpS(K), Prof. Dr. Irawan Yusuf, Ph.D. "We also found objections from PP Perdossi, one of which was related to excessive self-advertising, reports of large costs for the procedure for which there was no EBM, and the massive advertising caused unrest among Perdossi members and neurology patients, " he said. Based on the testimony of the Expert Witness Prof. Dr. Irawan Yusuf, Ph, said Beni, the main role of BW is only to increase cerebral blood flow or blood flow to the brain in chronic stroke, improve blood supply to damaged tissues so that oxygen, nutrients and drugs can reach the brain and extend the window period and improve clinical symptoms. "But the conclusions that are highlighted are too excessive as an alternative to standard stroke therapy, so that it sharpens the controversy," he said. "The expert witness emphasized that the reported party must act according to his competence and authority to eliminate the controversy," he said. Hasan Machfoed argued, said Beni, that DSA in the field of neurology is known as cerebral angiography, which is used for the diagnosis of cerebral blood vessel disorders (ischemic stroke), in which in type A hospital, DSA is not an h al that is new, but has been routinely carried out for diagnostic facilities, not intended as a means of therapy or treatment, especially for stroke prevention." They call DSA, not brain washing (BW). In fact, the promotion of BW is extremely intense in all social media, mass media, electronics and others, so that in the community there is an assumption that brainwashing or BW is a new method that should be tried, especially for stroke sufferers," he said. BW in a hemorrhagic stroke patient where heparin is contraindicated and the patient's condition is not improving. A colleague at RSUD Dr. Soetomo had performed BW using the DSA method, but the patient died after BW, so after that BW was forbidden to be performed again in RSUD Dr. Soetomo until now," he said. It was previously reported that the MKEK IDI had given a recommendation letter to terminate Terawan as a member of IDI, which has the potential to prevent Terawan from carrying out his profession as a doctor. Indonesian Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin has offered to mediate between PB IDI and Terawan to resolve the polemic. the.

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