JAKARTA - Indonesian citizen (WNI) who was the perpetrator of the rape of hundreds of men in Manchester, England, Reynhard Sinaga apparently rarely or even did not get along with fellow students from Indonesia. Reynhard is an Indonesian student who is currently studying in the city of Leeds, England.
A member of the United Kingdom (UK) Indonesian Student Association (PPI) 2018-2019 Arief Rohman said, based on the admission of a number of students in the city, he had never interacted with Reynhard.
"After I asked colleagues at Leeds, almost all of them did not interact with the perpetrators. Because, even though he studied at Leeds (Leeds University) but (Reynhard) lives in Manchester," said Arief when contacted by VOI via text message, Tuesday, January 7 evening. .
He also never met Reynhard. Because, when Arief was active at PPI in 2018, Reynhard was undergoing legal proceedings on the case that caught him.
Arief only knew about the case after receiving information from the Indonesian Embassy, which was assisting Reynhard. "When I took office, the consular post was assisting (to Reynhard)," he said.
Reynhard came to England to pursue his master's degree at Manchester of University in 2007. After graduating, he then continued his doctoral education at Leeds University.
Minister Counselor of the Indonesian Embassy in London, Thomas Ardian Siregar, said that Reynhard's tuition fees were purely private funds, not scholarships from other parties.
Meanwhile, Manchester of University expressed its sympathy for the victims for the incident. This campus is Reynhard's former alma mater while pursuing his master's degree.
"This news is very sad for us," they wrote in their official statement quoted from the official website of the University of Machester.
The campus said, the results of police investigations, the rape of hundreds of men by Reynhard was an individual act. In fact, in its official statement, Manchester of University said there were several members of their university who were directly affected in this case.
For this incident and as a follow-up, the university opened a hotline with the number (+44 (0) 3301289241) for those who know about victims or parties affected. The hotline is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. City time of Manchester, England from Monday to Friday.
Not only the university hotline, they also opened a hotline with the Greater Manchester Police which can be contacted via 08000560154 or if calling from outside the UK or the City of Manchester can call 0207158 0011.
In addition to the hotline, this complaint can be submitted via email which will be handled directly by the team chaired by the President and Vice-Chancellor by Simon Merrywest, Director for the Student Experience University of Manchester at the address s.merrywest@manchester.ac.uk.
Reynhard made headlines in the British media for having committed 159 cases of rape and sexual assault against men. In which 48 victims of them, have even been raped many times and recorded a shameful history.
"Reynhard Sinaga is the most prolific rapist in British history," said North West Deputy Attorney Ian Rushton, as quoted by The Guardian.
Reynhard Sinaga's news on the front pages of British newspapers today .. 🤢🤬 pic.twitter.com/oDIIUTlgiM
- Wisnu Prasetya Utomo (@wisnu_prasetya) January 6, 2020
During the trial, Raynhard also said that he used gay dating apps such as Grindr and Hornet. Reynhard's friends also said that they had no knowledge of his crimes. But some of her friends claim to have heard stories depicting "transforming" heterosexual men.
Reynhard often brags to his friends about his obscene acts. Moreover, if the victim it carries is a heterosexual man.
Reynhard also never hid his sexual disorientation during his stay in Manchester. Reynhard even often hangs out on Canal Street and Village Gay.
Long before this case was exposed to the public. Reynhard Sinaga has indeed paid great attention to LGBT. He had written his scientific journal entitled 'Sexuality and Everyday Transnationalism in South Asian Gay and Bisexual Men in Manchester' for doctoral purposes at the University of Leeds, in 2012.
In 2014, Reynhard published his review of a book entitled 'Queer migration politics: activist rhetoric and coalitional possibilities' written by American author Karma R. Chavez. The book describes immigration rights and social justice for queer groups or those who are not heterosexual
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