JAKARTA - A number of Pertamina gas stations in Padang City, West Sumatra, were visited by Senayan politicians to check the availability of subsidized diesel.

The visit of Member of Commission VI of the DPR RI, Andre Rosiade, together with the President Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Alfian Nasution, also ensured that there were no longer queues of vehicles.

"Today we went directly to the field to ensure the availability of subsidized diesel in West Sumatra. Alhamdulillah, the shortage has begun to be resolved and the queues of vehicles have also broken down," said Andre Rosiade in Padang, Friday, April 1, quoted from Antara.

He said Commission VI of the DPR has communicated with Pertamina to convey the aspirations of the people in West Sumatra regarding the scarcity of subsidized diesel.

"We conveyed this aspiration to Pertamina, and Pertamina agreed to increase the diesel quota to overcome the shortage," he said.

He asked the provincial government along with law enforcement officers and the TNI to be proactive in supervising the distribution of diesel fuel that violates the provisions of Presidential Decree 191 of 2014.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Alfian Nasution said his party had increased the supply of subsidized diesel for West Sumatra in the past week.

"According to people's aspirations because of the large queues of diesel fuel, we continue to slowly increase the supply to West Sumatra. So far, more than five percent of the normal quota has been added," he said.

He said the visit was also carried out to check whether the additions made had met the needs, and whether there were still queues.

Alfian emphasized that if it was still lacking, Pertamina would again increase the supply, with a note that it must be accompanied by strict supervision of its distribution and distribution.

The price disparity between subsidized and non-subsidized diesel can reach IDR 8,000 per liter, so there is the potential for deviations to occur.

"Supervision must be carried out so that the subsidized diesel is in accordance with its designation, so that it does not deviate, such as trucks with six wheels, oil palm trucks, coal, or industrial interests that are not justified by regulations," he explained.

If supervision is not carried out optimally, he continued, the additional quota will be useless because there will still be shortages.

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