BATURAJA - The Ogan Komering Ulu Police Criminal Investigation Unit (OKU), South Sumatra, arrested three of five gangs of railroad thieves at km 222+400 of the Kemelak Station emplacement, in Kemelak Village, East Baturaja District.

"The perpetrators we arrested have the initials HA, TJ, and YD," said OKU Police Chief AKBP Danu Agus Purnomo in Baturaja, Antara, Thursday, April 1.

The police arrested them following a report by PT Kereta Api Indonesia (PT KAI) to the Baturaja Timur Police, last Saturday, March 26 that their rail metal was stolen.

"Based on reports of the theft of rail iron, this has often occurred which can disrupt train travel back and forth," he said.

Following up on the report, the police moved in and arrested them while they were in Kemelak Village, East Baturaja District. "Meanwhile, the other suspects, MG and BO, managed to escape and are now on the wanted list," he said.

He stated that the band of thieves took action last week before sunset when conditions were quiet. They used incandescent welding to cut the attached rails into four sections each 1.5 meters long.

The police also confiscated four pieces of railroad tracks each 1.5 meters long, one motorbike and one bentor and which were used to transport stolen goods, a set of cutting tools consisting of an air tube, blender handlebar, iron beater, and LPG gas. .

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