TANGERANG - Pertamina Karawaci Tangerang gas station has run out of pertalite and pertamax fuel since Thursday, March 31, if it is noon. This makes four- and two-wheeled drivers, especially Pertalite users, panic in search of this type of fuel.

VOI monitoring at the Karawaci gas station, Tangerang City, saw four gas station attendants wearing green clothes guarding the place.

They stood while reminding the drivers who came, that the gas station in their place had run out of stock from noon last day.

Riki, one of the officers, said that at the Karawaci gas station the pertalite stock had run out since Thursday, March 31, at noon. For Pertamax, he continued, it started running out of stock since 22.00 WIB.

“Everyone just came, knowing that there would be an increase in gasoline. So the pertalite has run out since noon, if pertamax ran out last night at 10 (night)," said Riki when met at Pertamina gas station Karawaci, Friday, April 1, at 00:47 WIB.

Riki said that when the fuel was in its place, only Pertamax was left. The queue of motorists is very long even to the road.

"It was very busy, right up to the highway," he said.

Riki suspects that there is a reduction, so the stock in his place is running out of fuel.

"Usually, mas, I think there is a reduction," he said.

For information, PT Pertamina (Persero) has officially adjusted the price of fuel oil (BBM) for RON 92 or Pertamax type fuel. Effective from April 1, starting at 00:00 local time, Non-Subsidized Gasoline RON 92 (pertamax) fuel is adjusted to Rp12,500 per liter (for regions with a 5 percent motor vehicle fuel tax / PBBKB), from the previous price of Rp9 .000 per liter.

In an official statement on Pertamina's website, Pertamax fuel in the Provinces of Bali and Nusa Tenggara is set at Rp 12,500, while pertalite fuel does not increase and remains at Rp 7,650.

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