Passengers Of The Surabaya-Lombok Airplane Smuggle Sabu Hidden In Their Stomach
Shabu smuggling (Between Photos)

MATARAM - The police thwarted the smuggling of methamphetamine-type drugs hidden in the stomach of a passenger on the Surabaya-Lombok route.

The Head of the Timsus Ditresnarkoba Polda West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) AKP I Made Yogi Purusa Utama said this smuggling action was successfully thwarted by a joint team from the NTB Regional Police's Ditresnarkoba and the Central Lombok Police Headquarters.

"So the joint team succeeded in thwarting the smuggling action thanks to information from the public," Yogi said as quoted by Antara , Tuesday, September 29.

The officers arrested the smuggler from Korleko, East Lombok Regency, with the initials HA (27). The perpetrator was arrested on Monday (28/9) afternoon, upon arrival at Zainudin Abdul Madjid International Airport (BIZAM), Central Lombok Regency.

"He uses the Surabaya-Lombok route," he said.

"There are four round packages containing white crystalline powder, allegedly shabu-shabu that came out of his stomach," continued Helmi.

After being weighed, the gross weight of the four round packages reaches 200 grams. To the police, HA admitted that the illegal items were brought from the Batam area.

"Regarding the origin and who is the recipient, we are still doing some deepening," he said.

The perpetrator, who is now being held at the Central Lombok Police Headquarters, has been named a suspect. Because of his actions, HA was subject to criminal charges in Article 114 Paragraph 2 and Article 112 Paragraph 2 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35/2009 on Narcotics.

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