SURABAYA - The Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the Surabaya DPRD assessed that the plan to build 25-storey simple flats for low-income people (MBR) is constrained by regulations. Residents of the city of Surabaya," said Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD Bapemperda Josiah Michael in Surabaya, Thursday, March 31. Josiah said the plan to build simple rental flats (rusunawa) in Surabaya through two financing schemes, namely public flats for low-income families through state budget subsidies and special flats for non-residents. -MBR through the Surabaya APBD. Josiah added that to accelerate the fulfillment of housing needs for low-income families in Surabaya, it takes at least a Rusunawa tower which has 20 to 25 floors. However, he continued, the construction must obtain permission from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). In connection with these obstacles, Josiah admitted that his party would establish a dialogue with the Ministry of PUPR. will meet about 5,000 MBR families in Surabaya. Based on the data, currently there are around 12 thousand MBR families queuing up to occupy the flats. "But this number has not been re-verified," he said, quoted by Antara. The city of Surabaya. "We know that so far the cost of maintaining low-cost flats for MBR families is greater than the rental rate, so the balance sheet is in deficit," he said. Furthermore, Josiah said that with a standard rental rate or cheaper in non-MBR special flats, it could ease the burden. "If necessary, the rental of public flats for low-income families will be freed," he said. Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji previously said that the flats were a comfortable alternative for low-income residents in Surabaya. tens of thousands more and of course the capacity is adjusted according to the priority scale," he said. Lola Surabaya City Government. From the tens of flats, continued Armuji, the Surabaya City Government will list which flats will be prioritized for maintenance first considering the limited budget. , Wonorejo, Tanah Merah, Randu, Grudo, Pesapen, Jambangan, Siwalankerto, Romokalisari, Keputih, Bandarejo, Gununganyar, Hamlet Menggal, Tambak Wedi, Flats Indrapura, and Tripe Acne.

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