JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection urges the handling of the case of the rape of a 15-year-old junior high school student by four perpetrators at an oil palm plantation in Central Bengkulu to be completed in accordance with the applicable law in order to provide a deterrent effect.

“This case is very concerning because it will certainly cause trauma to the victim. The PPPA Ministry will ensure assistance to recover trauma for 15-year-old child victims," said Secretary of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Protection of Indigenous Children, Nur Sitepu, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 30.

In this case, the Central Bengkulu Police arrested four perpetrators, one of which was a minor.

A total of three adult perpetrators, namely DD (18), H (18), and AM (27), while the child perpetrator (SOY) was 15 years old.

The arrest was made after a child rape complaint from the victim's parents.

The PPPA Ministry asked law enforcement officials to provide appropriate legal sanctions for child offenders while still being guided by Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System.

To facilitate accessibility for victims or anyone who has seen and heard of violence so that they can report the case through the Friends of Women and Children (Sapa) call center telephone Number 129, (021) - 129 or send a message to WhatsApp Number 08111 129 129.

The government has also provided Regional Technical Implementation Units for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) in 29 provinces and 204 regencies/cities that are ready to provide assistance, outreach and assessment of victims, especially Indonesian women and children.

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