JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan formed a Regional National Economic Recovery Loan Team. The formation of this team is outlined in the Governor Decree (Kepgub) Number 986 of 2020.

In the composition of the team, Anies divided two categories, namely the steering committee and the executor. In the steering committee team, the chairperson is filled by the DKI Regional Secretary, the deputy chairperson is the Assistant for the Economy and Finance of the DKI Regional Secretary.

Its members are the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary's Development and Environment Assistant, Government Assistant, DKI People's Welfare Assistant, the Head of the DKI Regional Financial Development Planning Agency, and the Head of the DKI Regional Financial Management Agency.

Meanwhile, the chief executive is filled by the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary's Assistant for Development and Environment. In addition, there are a number of heads of agencies, BUMN, and heads of agencies as project management offices, project leaders, and implementing supporting elements.

"The Regional National Economic Recovery Loan Team can involve sources, consultants, and / or experts from the business world, professional organizations, community organizations, humanitarian agencies and / or other related institutions," the Governor Decree was quoted as saying on Monday, September 28.

The projects to be carried out from the loan financing consist of 7 activities. First, activities to improve flood control infrastructure.

In flood control, DKI has a polder development program, pump revitalization, reservoir development, river and river drainage capacity building, coastal protection embankments, vertical drainage, Kota Tua area arrangement, and Pasar Baru area arrangement.

"Second, improving infrastructure for improving drinking water services, thirdly improving waste management infrastructure with refuse derived fuel plant and landfill mining protection for the Bantargebang integrated garbage dump," the governor explained.

Fourth, improvement of transportation infrastructure, with projects covering non-level intersections (STS) in the form of flyovers, underpasses and bridges.

Fifth, activities to improve cultural tourism infrastructure, with the completion of the Taman Ismail Marzuki revitalization project.

"Sixth, activities to improve sports infrastructure with the completion of the Jakarta International Stadium Development project," he explained.

Seventh, digital transformation activities with projects for the development and management of smart provincial and smart city ecosystems.

Previously, the DKI Pemprov received a loan of IDR 12.5 trillion from the central government to continue the regional program which was delayed due to the budget diversion for handling COVID-19.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said that the loan funds came from the state-owned company (BUMN) PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI) Persero. The loan repayment period is given for 10 years.

"DKI Jakarta is proposing Rp. 12.5 trillion. A total of Rp. 4.5 trillion is used for 2020 and Rp. 8 trillion (for budgeting, red) in 2021," said Sri Mulyani.

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