KALTIM - Baznas of East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) in collaboration with the Smile Harapan Nusantara Foundation and the Association of Indonesian Dentists helped as many as 21 children for cleft lip surgery.

"This activity started with concern about the existence of children born with imperfect conditions," said Head of the East Kalimantan Baznas, Ahmad Nabhan in Samarinda, Antara, Tuesday, March 29.

He said, cleft lip is a congenital abnormality that occurs in infants which is characterized by a cleft in the lip and roof of the mouth. This program will continue until it is perfect, namely two to three operations according to development.

The target of East Kalimantan is free from cleft lip, therefore he appealed to rich citizens to pay zakat through Baznas Kaltim. Nabhan continued, the program is not exclusively for Muslims. There were six non-Muslims who participated in the East Kalimantan Baznas program.

"It means a policy that we do not side only with Islam in the humanitarian factor," he said.

He explained that the sources of funding for these activities were from various parties, not only zakat and infaq. Meanwhile, zakat funds focus on Muslims.

"We hope that after participating in the program, children will not feel inferior with their associations and their voices will be better and more fluent in reading the Koran for Muslims," he said.

Nabhan also added that many muzakki pay tithe to the East Kalimantan Baznas, the more those who pay tithe, the more Muslim brothers and sisters will be helped.

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