JAKARTA - Former Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs, Muhammad Said Didu, rejected the attempt by the Secretariat General (Setjen) of the DPR to allocate a budget of IDR 48.7 billion to replace the curtains at the houses of council members.

According to him, the fantastic budget will be wasted because soon DPR members will be mobilized to the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan.

"I'm about to move to IKN in 2024," said Said Didu on his Twitter account, @msaid_didu, Tuesday, March 29.

The budget for replacing the curtains is IDR 48.7 billion for the 505 housing units for the current council members. With details, each house gets Rp. 90 million.

Meanwhile, regarding the plan to move IKN from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, it has been confirmed in the Draft State Capital Law (RUU IKN) which officially became the IKN Law on Tuesday, January 18.

In the law, the DPR is in the first stage as an institution that will be transferred to IKN. The Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) has included the DPR in the list of Cluster 1 ministries/institutions moving to IKN. Its preparation has taken into account the order and effectiveness in its implementation.

The first stage of ministries/agencies moving to IKN at an early stage in 2024 is based on the Kemenpan RB scenario, namely:

President and vice president

State officials

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR)

House of Representatives (DPR)

Regional Representative Council (DPD)

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of State Secretariat

Cabinet Secretariat

Presidential Staff Office

Ministry of National Development Planning

Minister For Public Works and Human Settlements

Ministry of Finance

Supreme Court (MA)

Constitutional Court (MK)

Judicial Commission (KY)

Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Indonesian National Army (TNI)

Indonesian National Police (Polri)

State Intelligence Agency (BIN)

attorney General's Office

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)

State Cyber and Code Agency.

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