JAKARTA - PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri understands that many people find her strange for interfering in cooking oil affairs. But, he reminded, politics is actually talking about life, including about food.

This was conveyed about the many debates on social media that alluded to his statement some time ago. At that time, Megawati once talked about other alternative ways to cook in the midst of the scarcity of cooking oil.

"I said that politics is not politics, politics is not only politics, but politics is actually a part of life," said Megawati when opening an online cooking demonstration without cooking oil, Monday, March 28.

He then remembered the message of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia who was also his father, Soekarno. Megawati said, Soekarno once said that people's stomachs must be full.

So, his statement about cooking oil is actually a step to follow his father's advice.

"So in this case, a question that I will never forget when I asked my father. Actually, if politics is the most important thing for the people, what is it, sir? He simply said that the stomach must be full," said Megawati.

"It's very funny, isn't it, I asked politics, I thought I would get a heavy input, so he said it was easy, the most important thing is that the stomach must be full," he added.

Megawati admitted that at that time she did not understand what Soekarno meant. But, gradually, he finally understood.

"Because I can feel that if I'm hungry, it's very difficult to do school homework," he said. As previously reported, Megawati was surprised some time ago why there are still women who choose to queue for cooking oil. Even though there are various alternative ways to cook in the midst of scarcity and rising prices that have occurred recently.

"Now, let's see, the fuss is about buying cooking oil. I can just rub my chest, it's not a matter of not having cooking oil or how expensive it is," said Megawati in a stunting-related webinar broadcast on YouTube, Thursday, March 17.

"It made me think, so every day the mothers only fry? Until it's so scrambled, is there no way to boil, then steam or like rujak?" he asked.

He said that this method of cooking can actually be used in various Indonesian menus, which can be used as references.

"Isn't there (another way of cooking, ed)? It's an Indonesian menu, you know. Why is it complicated (difficult, ed)," said Megawati.

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