JAKARTA - PDI-P General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri admitted that she was sad because her statement about alternative ways of cooking without using cooking oil was a pro and con. He considered that many parties misunderstood and politicized what he conveyed.

"I'm sad that I got a contract with the women," said Megawati when opening a cooking demonstration without cooking oil held at the PDIP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Monday, March 28.

Megawati, who was present online, said that she also understands about cooking. In fact, many people admit that the food is delicious.

"It's like I have no knowledge at all about cooking. Come on, if I don't win. Many have tasted my cooking, it's always delicious. Nobody said it wasn't good, why? Because I can cook," he said.

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia once again said that there are actually many food menus that don't need to be fried. For example, eggs, said Megawati, can actually be steamed or boiled.

So, when she was bullied by her previous statement, Megawati admitted that she had confided in the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto.

He was annoyed because what he said was actually to remind mothers so that they don't have to queue for cooking oil when there is a shortage.

"I said Mas Hasto, 'I'm annoyed'. My anger is not because of being bullied for political matters. Whatever. But this is to help mothers so that their children eat well and so on. " he insisted.

"I'm annoyed, it's fine. I guess I'm a liar, you say I don't have empathy. It hurts me as a woman. It's good, like I never knew about women, true or not, ladies," added Megawati.

Furthermore, Megawati also emphasized that she had also been a commoner. This happened when his father, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno, was deposed.

At that time, Megawati had difficulty even giving boiled green beans to her children as a substitute for milk. "I'm not living directly like now. I never told this," he said.

"I was once a commoner after my father was ousted, so when it was possible to buy milk, what should be made into milk substitute vitamins. What do I do? I boil green beans every day to drink," said Megawati.

With this story, he hopes that mothers can take lessons. Including, not depending on cooking oil.

"I do not prohibit. But I am concerned. That word is concerned. If your children (you, ed) are not physically and mentally healthy, not intelligent, our leader is asking to be a country that has a golden generation. But where does the golden generation come from. Think about it, think long. Don't think short," concluded Megawati.

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