TANGERANG REGENCY - A video showing the theft of dozens of computers at SMKN 5, Mauk, Tangerang Regency. The video later went viral on social media.

The video of this theft was uploaded on the Twitter account @Abouttng which was seen by VOI.Id, Saturday, March 26. In the video's description, the action took place on Monday, March 14, at 02.30 WIB.

Seen three people who are seen carrying a computer unit. They took turns taking turns entering the stairs which later became known to the computer room.

"Three gangs of thieves caught on CCTV were stealing approximately 17 computers and laptops," the account wrote.

When contacted by reporters, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Mauk Police, Ipda Sodikin confirmed that the incident occurred. The theft was only reported to the police on Thursday, March 24.

"Yes, it's true, there was an incident of theft of a number of computers that occurred at SMKN 5. The school only found out when they were going to use the room," said Sodikin when confirmed, Saturday, March 26.

Now his party is investigating the case and has checked the CCTV footage. This is done to find out the figure of the perpetrators in the school.

"We are still investigating and collecting evidence to be able to immediately arrest the perpetrators of the theft," he said

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