JAKARTA - PDI Perjuangan has formed a party disciplinary enforcement team in each management structure at the provincial and district / city levels. The team that will move on to socialize until this action is formed to enforce the health protocol discipline during the 2020 Pilkada in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said the team would be chaired by the Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) and the PDIP Branch Leadership Council (DPC). Apart from the chairperson, this team will also have deputies such as a deputy for socialization and communication, a deputy for logistics and health to a deputy for reporting, prevention and prosecution.

Hasto explained that the deputy of prevention would work with the deputy for socialization to explain health protocols in the midst of COVID-19, such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands. In addition, they must also be at the location of each Pilkada-related event early to carry out initial checks to ensure the implementation of health protocols has been running.

"Meanwhile, the action team will move if party cadres have been reminded but do not heed it," said Hasto in a written statement, Friday, September 25.

This team will later give warnings to sanctions for those who violate health protocols. However, this sanction can only be given to PDIP members and cadres.

"Because this is the party's internal instructions to enforce that party cadres and members are obliged to comply with health protocols," he said.

In addition, this team will also reprimand any candidate for regional head and deputy if they do not comply with regulations to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

"If you don't wear a mask, then the deputy of action will immediately act, take a photo and issue warning letters one, two and three. So the sanctions are immediately in the field and then supported by administrative documents," he said.

The types of sanctions given vary. However, if the cadres have directly endangered the community and received written warnings three times, they still ignore the health protocol, then there will be heavy sanctions to be faced. The sanction is in the form of cadres being exempted from their duties in the campaign team and in the party.

Hasto emphasized that his party is committed to ensuring that its cadres and candidates for regional head they carry obey the rules set by the government. This is because they do not want to receive a warning from the 2020 Pilkada organizers.

"For PDI Perjuangan, just getting a warning sanction is disgraceful," he said.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD had held a meeting by inviting the secretary general of the party who supported the regional head candidate. Those invited were Secretary General of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) Afriansyah Nur, Secretary General of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Raja Juli Antoni, Secretary General of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Mustafa Kamal, Secretary General of Perindo Ahmad Rofiq, Secretary General of Democrats Teuku Riefky Harsya, Secretary General of the United Development Party (PPP) Arsul Sani, Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani.

Then Golkar Party Secretary General Lodewijk F Paulus, PDI Perjuangan Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, Secretary General of the NasDem Party Johnny G Plate, Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno, and Wasekjen Hanura Party Tari Siwi Utami.

During the meeting, Mahfud mentioned that political parties have a big role so that regional administrators can listen to the direction of the central government regarding the implementation of the 2020 regional elections.

"That is why we are meeting today. Apart from structural state institutions, we go through a more specific infrastructure, namely the secretaries-general or political party leaders to take part in controlling or helping to enforce discipline and law enforcement," Mahfud said at the 2020 Pilkada Implementation Coordination Meeting. followed by Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian and a number of political party secretaries, Tuesday, September 22.

Meanwhile, Tito said, there was an urge to postpone the 2020 Pilkada because at the time of registering regional head candidates there were many crowds found.

According to him, the presence of this crowd was considered by a number of parties to be a potential spread of COVID-19 in the community. Moreover, after registration, many parties tested positive for COVID-19.

"On September 4 to 6, there was a large crowd that could potentially become a medium of transmission, namely at the time of registration of candidate pairs and this made a bad brand or image towards the implementation of the pilkada. At the same time there was also a voice wanting the election to be postponed again," said the former National Police Chief during the meeting. the same one.

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