SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa is determined to suppress TB cases in East Java. Because, the case of TB in East Java is the third highest nationally.

"In accordance with our theme this year, Invest for TB Elimination, Save the Nation. Let's unite our determination and strengthen innovation in order to achieve the 2030 TB elimination," said Khofifah, Wednesday, March 24.

In East Java, continued Khofifah, there were 43,268 people with TB in 2021, the third highest nationally. Where the first highest was West Java with 93,626 cases, and the second highest was Central Java with 44,203 TB cases.

"The commemoration of World TB Day is the right moment to encourage all parties to be actively involved in the prevention and control of TB. TB can be prevented and treated. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you feel the symptoms of TB," he said.

According to Khofifah, the success rate for treating TB cases per district/city in East Java reached 89.12 percent of the 90 percent target in 2021.

The success rate is still being pushed, because as many as 53 percent of districts/cities have not been able to achieve 90 percent of treatment success.

"Continuing to increase the success rate of TB treatment is very important. Because TB cases that are not completed with treatment can certainly trigger an increase in drug-resistant TB cases," he said.

For this reason, Khofifah emphasized the importance of multi-sectoral involvement to break the transmission of transmission and towards the elimination of TB by 2030. "Multi-sectoral involvement in the discovery and treatment of TB sufferers and preventive therapy is a priority effort to do," he said.

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