JAKARTA - Residents of Pulau Teor and its surroundings in the Eastern Seram Regency, Maluku managed to rescue the Head of Teor, Indah Adhayati Rumakway along with three other employees who drowned in the waters around Pulau Bam and Pulau Teor last Wednesday, March 23.

"We have just received information from residents that the sub-district head along with three employees were found in good condition this morning on Uran Island, although in a weak condition," said a member of the SBT Regency DPRD, Costansius Kolatfeka, Thursday, March 24, quoted from Antara.

Members of the DPRD from the Teor, Kesui, and surrounding areas claimed to have received a picture of the sub-district head who was found safe and had arrived on Teor Island.

The longboat with 12 people on board, including the sub-district head of Teor, experienced an accident on Wednesday (23/3) evening at around 16.00 WIT. In addition to the sub-district head, there are six Inspectorate employees as well as employees of the SBT Regency Bappeda who are currently carrying out the task of supervising the management of DD-ADD in the area.

When it sank, one passenger named Husein tried to save himself by swimming for hours until he reached the mainland. It was from him that the information about the sinking ship and requests for help from residents finally came.

The head of the Ambon Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, Mustari, said that he had dispatched a rescue team using a Basarnas ship to the search location.

Mustari also confirmed that the Teor sub-district head along with a number of longboat passengers had been found by residents in a safe condition.

So that five victims have been found, namely the Head of Teor District, Indah Adhayati Rumakway, Idrus Retob (Satpol PP), Gusti Pattikupang, Abdullah Kilkoda who is an employee of the Bappeda of SBT Regency, plus Husein who managed to swim to the beach of Pulau Teor.

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