JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI, Ahmad Riza Patria, said that Jakarta will compete with global cities from Washington DC in the United States to Sydney in Australia when the National Capital City (IKN) moves to East Kalimantan.

"The rival city of Jakarta is no longer another city in Indonesia, Jakarta's rivals in the future will be Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Washington, Sydney," said Riza Patria in a seminar on IKN in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 23.

According to him, the transfer of IKN will be a great opportunity for Jakarta to become an economic and business center not only at the regional but also global level.

For this reason, his party is preparing the Regional Development Plan (RPD) 2023-2026 as a global economic and business center.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, he said, together with experts and various other elements are currently drafting an academic draft of the Bill on the Specialty of Jakarta as a legal umbrella after it is no longer the nation's capital.

"Jakarta's future after the relocation of the capital must be used as an opportunity to become a more advanced city," added Riza.

He also believes that Jakarta will remain the most advanced city in the country, considering that as a business center, residents and business people will continue to visit them.

Moreover, he continued, Jakarta contributed 17 percent to the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

"What is clear is that with the various advantages of the city of Jakarta, especially in terms of infrastructure, human resources, we believe that Jakarta will continue to exist as the most advanced city in Indonesia," he said.

The transfer of IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan has been regulated in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital.

A number of preparations are now being made by the Central Government, including the establishment of the IKN Authority.

The plan is that the construction of the Nusantara IKN will be carried out in stages until 2045.

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