CIANJUR - Two city car passengers who were hit by the Siliwangi train on the Sukabumi-Cianjur route at a railroad crossing without a gate in Selajambe Village, Sukaluyu District, Cianjur Regency, West Java Province, are reported safe.

"The car was badly damaged, especially in the front. The driver and passenger survived because they were hit by the front," said Sukaluyu Police Chief AKP Yayan Suharyana in Cianjur, Antara, Wednesday, March 23.

The accident occurred when the car with plate number F 1397 driven by Dede Andriyana (42) passed a railroad crossing in Selajambe Village.

The driver of the car, who was traveling to Sukaluyu with a woman, did not know that a train would pass by so he continued his journey.

"When the front of the new car entered the crossing, it was suddenly hit by a train that was passing from Cianjur to Ciranjang," said Yayan.

The two people who were in the car survived and were assisted by local residents to get out of the vehicle. The vehicle they were traveling in was wrecked.

"The car was immediately evacuated by officers from the Traffic Unit of the Cianjur Police," said Yayan.

Residents who were in the vicinity of the railroad crossing said that the unfortunate vehicle was traveling at a moderate speed as it passed the unblocked crossing.

"We heard a loud crash and found the minibus that had just passed was hit by a train from Cianjur to Ciranjang," said Yanyan (35).

"The two passengers on board survived, but the car was badly damaged in the front," he added.

He hopes that the railroad crossing will be fitted with a doorstop to minimize the risk of an accident.

"We hope that there will be installation of doorstops, so that when the train is about to pass, drivers can stop or be careful and don't force themselves to pass before the train passes," he said.

The Head of the Sukaluyu Sector Police said that there were still many unblocked railroad crossings in Cianjur.

"In Cianjur there are still many crossings without gate bars, so we ask motorists to be careful and alert when crossing," he said.

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