BOGOR - Bogor Regent Ade Yasin was disappointed because only 39 villages had completed the Accountability Report (LPJ) out of 413 villages that received the One Billion One Village (Samisade) program in 2021.

"Yes, there are 39 villages in 13 sub-districts. The others are still in the LPJ process. That's why I held this coordination meeting to remind the village heads to complete the LPJ so that in 2022 they can get another budget," said Ade Yasin after gathering hundreds of village heads in Cibinong, Regency Bogor, West Java, Antara, Tuesday, March 22.

According to him, if each village does not immediately complete the LPj for the use of the 2021 Samisade, then they cannot disburse the first phase of the Samisade for 2022, which could have been submitted at the end of last February.

"I emphasize that the important thing is that the reporting is completed for 2021. If it is not finished, the 2022 Samisade will not be dropped or disbursed," said Ade Yasin.

In 2021, Samisade's budget of around IDR 372.9 billion was given to 415 villages and around IDR 368.4 billion was realized in 413 villages. However, of the 413 that realized Samisade, only 39 villages had completed submitting LPj.

Meanwhile, for the 2022 Samisade, said Ade, the Bogor Regency Government has prepared a budget of around IDR 395.7 billion to be given to 416 villages, with the disbursement method divided into two stages.

Ade Yasin also reminded the village head to maintain the main spirit of the Samisade program, namely the fulfillment of village infrastructure, as well as economic recovery with a labor-intensive pattern by involving the community in their respective villages.

"In principle, Samisade is carried out in a self-managed way by maximizing the use of materials or materials from the local area, carried out by mutual cooperation by the community," said Ade Yasin.

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