ACEH - Residents expelled 114 Rohingya immigrants who were stranded in early March 2022 from an emergency shelter in Alue Buya Pasie Village, Jangka Subdistrict, Bireuen Regency because they failed to be relocated.

Assistant I to the Regency Regional Secretariat (Setdakab) Bireuen Mulyadi when contacted said that the hundreds of Rohingya immigrants had now been accommodated at the Term District Office, Bireuen Regency.

"According to information, there were some immigrants who wanted to run away, but were caught by the residents. And this was repeated, so the residents did not want to accept them anymore and expelled them," said Mulyadi as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 21.

Moreover, said Mulyadi, since the Rohingya refugees have occupied the meunasah as a shelter, residents can no longer worship in that place.

"Residents have been very patient and very sincere in providing minimal assistance to Rohingya immigrants. However, residents are also disappointed with the government's uncertainty in moving them," said Mulyadi.

Mulyadi said that the Overseas Refugee Handling Task Force (PPLN) had issued a letter of recommendation asking the Pekanbaru City Government to accommodate the Rohingya refugees.

"In Bireuen, there are no shelter locations for immigrants, so they have to be moved. The Bireuen Regency Government has also prepared their relocation buses, but again they are canceled. This also makes residents disappointed," said Mulyadi.

Mulyadi said the Bireuen Regency Government (Pemkab) continues to communicate with the UNHCR and IOM agencies regarding the relocation of the Rohingya immigrants.

"We continue to coordinate with relevant parties dealing with Rohingya immigrants. From the results of the latest coordination, IOM will make a decision regarding Rohingya refugees on Thursday," said Mulyadi.

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