PADANG - The City Government of Padang, West Sumatra, launched the Non-Licensing Information System (Sinopen) application to make it easier for residents who want to take care of various permits so they don't have to come to the office.

"In order to provide fast, easy, and free services to the public in managing licensing and non-licensing, we launched this application," said Head of the Padang City Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) Corri Saidan in Padang, Monday, March 21.

He explained that the Sinopen application is a web-based non-licensing application that can be accessed by the public online via the link

"Through this application, the public can apply for research permits for students and the extension of permits for community organizations (Ormas)," he said.

"Students or mass organizations who want to apply for a permit no longer need to come to the DPMPTSP office, but simply from home via their respective computers or gadgets," he continued.

Corri explained that previously the research permit certificates and the extension permit for mass organizations were processed at the National and Political Unity Office (Kesbangpol).

However, since January 3, 2022, he said, the non-licensing has been managed by the Padang City DPMPTSP.

This, he explained, is in accordance with Padang Mayor Regulation Number 73 of 2021 concerning Delegation of Licensing and Non-Licensing Authorities to the Padang City One-Stop Integrated Service and Investment Service (DPMPTSP).

"We hope that this effort will certainly make it easier for the community to take care of permits. This is an effort for us to provide excellent, fast, and free service to the community," he said.

Meanwhile, Functional Public Policy Analyst, Madya IT Sector, Padang City Government, Syuhadi, added that this application was launched considering the high public interest in managing permits.

As of March 17, 2022, the DPMPTSP of Padang City has issued 476 research permits.

"Hopefully the Sinopen application can make it easier for students and mass organizations who want to take care of licensing letters. We from DPMPTSP will continue to try to provide the best service for the community," he said.

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