MATARAM - The Mataram City COVID-19 Task Force, West Nusa Tenggara, said 322 neighborhoods in Mataram City had entered the green zone or zero positive cases of COVID-19.

A spokesperson for the Mataram City COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) I Nyoman Swandiasa, said that thus there were only three neighborhoods with yellow zone status or 1-2 positive COVID-19 cases.

"We are sure that next week, the three neighborhoods will enter the green zone because the condition of the patients in the three neighborhoods has generally improved," he said in Mataram, Monday, March 21.

It was said, the development of the spread of COVID-19 in Mataram City during March 2022, continued to experience a significant decline. In fact, several times Mataram was declared zero new cases of COVID-19, such as on Saturday (19/3).

In addition, the number of COVID-19 patients being treated at the Mataram City Regional General Hospital (RSUD) has information below 10 people and they are on average elderly patients who have comorbidities.

"Our hope is that this condition will continue to improve so that 325 neighborhoods in Mataram can 100 percent enter the green zone," said Swandiasa, who also serves as Head of the Mataram City Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo).

Nevertheless, continued Swandiasa, socialization related to the implementation of health protocols (prokes) especially the use of masks and COVID-19 vaccinations will still be carried out even though the challenges are getting tougher.

"We cannot deny that regionally the current conditions are leading to an endemic. But before there is an official revocation of the pandemic status by the government, the task force will continue to work," he said.

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