MATARAM - West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Investigators have completed a case of falsification of a tax payable notification letter (SPPT) for merging a 6.37-hectare land in the Gili Already tourist area, West Lombok Regency. regarding the settlement of the case with the delivery of the suspect and evidence to the public prosecutor (JPU). "Yes, that's right, phase two, we have carried out the transfer of the suspect and evidence to the prosecutor," said Hari in Mataram, Monday, March 21. The suspect has the initials MM, he said, is the son of a broker who received a mandate from the heirs to complete the completeness of the land sale and purchase transaction. own the land.

The suspect did this without the knowledge and consent of the victim, who is the owner of the land which previously had the status of someone else's property. Therefore, as a suspect, MM was subject to criminal sanctions in Article 263 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code concerning Counterfeiting of Juncto Documents Article 55 Paragraph ( 1) 1st and 2nd KUHP. In this case, MM is actually a suspect along with state civil servants (ASN) in West Lombok with the initials LS. However, the police have issued a warrant to stop the investigation (SP3) because LS died. The head of the Mataram Kejari Intelligence Section Heru Sandika Triyana said that his party had received the delegation of this case from the NTB Police investigator. The indictment is to be submitted to the court," said Heru, quoted by Antara. However, as a follow-up to this delegation, the Prosecutor's Office did not detain suspect MM. He regretted the prosecutor's decision and questioned the reason for not being detained. "If you call it cooperative, we don't see this suspect as such," said Erda. "That's why the investigators took him forcibly. So the Prosecutor's Office should have detained him. Are you not worried that the suspect will run away, destroy evidence, and repeat his actions again," he said. "As the President has said, the government is fully committed to eradicating land mafias. Even the President has said that there should be no law enforcement agencies to back up land mafias, fight for people's rights, and enforce the law strictly," he said.

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