MEDAN - Jefri Wijaya (28) alias Asiong died in a pathetic manner. Asiong's body was found in a ravine in Tanah Karo Regency, North Sumatra (Sumut).

Director of General Crimes (Dirkrimum) Polda North Sumatra Kombes Irwan Anwar said Asiong had his life killed first. After that Asiong's body was thrown into the abyss.

"The amount of debt is Rp.765 million," said Irwan in the case release, Wednesday, September 23.

It is estimated that the perpetrators of the Asiong murder are more than 10 people. Seven of them have been arrested by the police.

According to Anwar, the murder case began with the debt problem of Asiong's colleague, Dani. At that time, Dani owed Edy Siswanto an amount of Rp.765 million related to online gambling.

However, Dani did not want to pay the debt to Edy, saying that Asiong would pay the debt. Edy Siswanto then asked Asiong to pay off the debt of hundreds of millions. Asiong gave guarantees regarding debt repayment, but it has not been realized.

"This is actually the process of collecting debts which resulted in the victim's death," said Irwan.

In terms of collecting debts, Edy Siswanto sent two people to kidnap Asiong. Asiong was taken to several places such as Sibolangit and Tanah Karo.

Asiong was also taken to a hut in the Marelan sub-district. In that hut, Asiong died.

"After the victims were killed, they were thrown into a ravine in the Tanah Karo area. They (the perpetrators) then consolidated towards Medan and towards Sibolangit. From there they agreed to destroy their goods, their cellphones to eliminate traces," said Irwan.

The perpetrators were charged under Articles 338 of the Criminal Code and 340 of the Criminal Code regarding premeditated murder.

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