JAKARTA - Former General Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Munarman emphasized that he had never ordered people to commit violence.

"None of my words or sentences lead to allegiance, migration, and ordering violence in any form. Ordering to kill, ordering to kidnap, and ordering to destroy vital objects or objects," Munarman said, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 21.

Munarman stated this when reading a memorandum of defense or pleidoi at the East Jakarta District Court in the follow-up to the terrorism crime trial, Monday.

The 450-page plea was given the title "The Abunawas Hat Case". In the Pledoi, Munarman assessed that the allegations by the public prosecutor (JPU) in his indictment were completely unproven.

"Not a single word or sentence of mine contains the aim of moving people to commit acts of terrorism," said Munarman asserted.

According to him, the video that was used as the basis for his initial report to the police with framing allegiance to ISIS was not proven.

"After watching it together in court, it is not proven that I took bai'at. In the video that was watched together, I did not raise my hand or say the word bai'at.

Previously, the Public Prosecutor demanded 8 years in prison for Munarman in connection with the alleged criminal act of terrorism.

The Public Prosecutor considers Munarman proven to have carried out malicious conspiracy, preparation, experimentation, or assistance to carry out acts of terrorism.

The prosecutor assessed that Munarman had violated Article 15 in conjunction with Article 7 of Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning Amendments to Law 15 of 2003 concerning the Stipulation of Perpu Number 1 of 2002 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism.

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