BANTEN - The case of COVID-19 in Lebak Regency, Banten is gradually sloping. Corona virus patients in the region today decreased by 21 people as of Sunday, March 20.

This brings the total number of COVID-19 cases in Lebak Regency to 189, from 210 the previous day.

"The day before, active COVID-19 cases in this area reached 210 people," said the spokesman for the Lebak Regency COVID-19 Task Force, Firman Rahmatullah in Lebak, Sunday, March 20. The decrease in active COVID-19 cases, because they have recovered after undergoing medical treatment in a number of hospitals, self-isolation and centralized isolation provided by the regional government. Most of the active COVID-19 patients are Omicron variants, because they recover quickly and do not cause much death. compared to the Delta variant. It is most likely that Lebak Regency has entered the green zone for the spread of the corona virus. Last year's experience, he said, was that Lebak Regency had entered the COVID-19 green zone. Therefore, the community must implement and comply with health protocols, wear masks, maintain distance, wash hands, reduce activity mobilization, and avoid crowds (5M). houses. Likewise, the TNI, Polri, BIN, PPNI, and businessmen serve vaccination programs so that Indonesia is immediately free from COVID-19. If all people are vaccinated, it is certain that the spread of the virus is relatively small. "We believe the reduction in COVID-19 patients is due to the high level of public awareness in complying with health procedures, 5M and vaccinations," said Firman, who is also the head of the Lebak Health Office's communicable disease prevention division. There are only a few COVID-19 patients who are still undergoing hospitalization, because most have recovered. COVID-19 patients at the hospital are treated in the Wine room with 60 beds provided.

"Currently, many beds in the wine room are empty," he said, as reported by Antara.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Lebak Regency BPBD, Febby Rizky Pratama, said that currently the COVID-19 patients at the location provided by the regional government at the Banten BPPS Building were empty after 33 people recovered.

"We have provided 80 beds, but we have received 33 patients and all have recovered," he said. , 189 people were isolated and 222 people died.

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