JAKARTA - The helicopter carrying the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lieutenant General Doni Monardo failed to fly in Tahuna, Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi. The helicopter dragged a number of parked vehicles around the flight location. This accident prevented Doni's group from observing the floods and landslides in Lebo Village, Sangihe Islands.
BNPB Head of Data and Communication Services Agus Wibowo said all the passengers on board the helicopter were safe. In fact, after this helicopter failed to fly, passengers consisting of Doni, Regent of Sangihe Islands Regency Jabes Gaghana, and a number of other people, were recorded enjoying coffee and fried bananas.
"Yes, that's right. The Head of BNPB is safe and secure," said Agus, when confirmed by VOI, in Jakarta, Monday, January 6.
The Mi-35P Noreg HS-7154 helicopter failed to fly on Monday, January 6, at 11:52 WITA. At that time, the helicopter would take off at the Gesit Field, Sawangbendar Urban Village, Tahuna District, Sangihe Islands Regency.

When contacted by VOI, the Head of the National Police Center, Brigadier General Sisriadi, said that Doni Monardo's group arrived at Gesit Field at 11.30 WITA. Then, at 11.35 WITA, the helicopter engine was turned on. This helicopter was piloted by Captain Cpn Faris Affandi and Copilot Lettu Cpn Erika.
At 11.40 WITA, Doni and his entourage were already in the helicopter. After 10 minutes, the helicopter took off with the destination of departure, namely Siau, Sitaro Regency. However, problems began to arise with the helicopter. The helicopter has no power to go up and only flies low.
So, suddenly dived backwards so that the tip of the left wing of the helicopter hooked the front of the Palaksa Lanal Tahuna official car Marine Lieutenant Colonel (P) Christian type Suzuki Ertiga blue Noreg 6304-VIII parked on the right side of Gesit Field. The car was lifted as high as approximately 5 meters for three minutes.
After being dragged away, Sisriadi continued, the official car was released and fell to the ground followed by the fall of the rear aftur tank on the left wing and hit the back of the Sangihe local government official car, Toyota Rush Nopol DL 1470 A.
"There were no casualties or injuries from this accident," he explained.
According to Sisriadi, the provisional assumption is from the information from the helicopter pilot Captain Cpn Faris Affandi, that the helicopter has no power to lift the plane due to weather changes and sudden gusts of strong winds.
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