JAKARTA - The head of the Cilincing Police, Kompol Robinson Manurung, named DD and WS who carried out extortion (extortion) against truck drivers in Cilincing, North Jakarta as suspects. Manurung explained, the two suspects did the burglary three times in one week.

"The confession is that they do it there three times a week," Robinson told reporters at the Cilincing Police Station, North Jakarta, March 19.

Robinson also said that so far, according to the confessions of the two suspects, they had only carried out the action for three months. When in action the two suspects share roles.

"(The action has been carried out) for about 2-3 months. (So) WS took the victim's cellphone, DD threatened the victim with a badik," explained Manurung.

Meanwhile at the same location, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilincing Police, AKP Alex Chandra explained, during their action, the perpetrators could get a profit of up to Rp. 1 million rupiah.

"For drinking, the highest is 500 thousand, there are also 1 million," said Alex.

For his actions, the two perpetrators were detained at the Cilincing Police. They are accused of Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 9 years in prison.

"Article 365 of the Criminal Code carries a penalty of 9 years in prison," he said.

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