JAKARTA - Chairman of the PKS faction of the DPR RI, Jazuli Juwaini, said that his faction proposed the establishment of the DPR RI's Inquiry Right to investigate the phenomenon of scarcity and high prices of cooking oil in Indonesia.

"The PKS faction of the DPR RI proposes to establish an Inquiry Right for the DPR regarding the issue of scarcity and high cooking oil prices. God willing, this proposal letter will soon be sent to the leadership of the DPR RI," said Jazuli at a press conference at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Friday 18 March.

He assessed that the case of scarcity and high prices of cooking oil was very troubling to the community because some people died because they had to line up to get oil.

According to him, the state must be present in solving the problem of the scarcity and high price of cooking oil so that the government cannot lose and give up on overcoming these problems.

"The government must not give up on overcoming this problem. Therefore, the PKS faction is taking the constitutional route to resolve this issue by proposing the right of inquiry and the formation of a special committee (pansus)," he said as quoted from Antara.

Jazuli assessed that the formation of the Special Committee for Inquiry Right for cooking oil was needed to transparently disclose cases of scarcity and high prices of cooking oil.

Chairman of the PKS Faction DPR RI Jazuli Juwaini

According to him, the PKS faction wants to solve the problem because it is not enough to just state that there is a shortage of cooking oil caused by the mafia.

"We invite other factions to join the PKS faction to propose the right of inquiry and form a special committee," he said.

Present at the press conference, among others, member of Commission XI DPR RI Ecky Awal Muharam and member of Commission IV DPR RI Andi Akmal Pasluddin.

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