JAKARTA - On social media, posters of “AWAS !! Boar Bristle Brush, MUI Fatwa: Haram ”. This poster includes the logo of the Indonesian Ulema Council and the MakanHalal.com website at the bottom.

The poster reads the characteristics of a boar bristle brush claimed by the MUI as haram, including the words eterna, bristle, the colors are not homogeneous (white, creamy, black intermittent), and when they are burned they smell like roast meat.

Photo poster “CAUTION !! Pig Fur Brush, MUI Fatwa: Haram ”circulating on social media

Reporting from turnbackhoax.id, Wednesday, September 23, based on the results of an investigation by members of the Anti-Defamation, Incitement and Hoax (FAFHH) group, the claim that a poster containing the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) against the sea urchin brush is false.

In fact, in September 2019, the MUI has denied the contents of the photo containing the fatwa regarding the recent viral sea urchin brush. MUI only issues HALAL fatwas on products, food, beverages, medicines, cosmetics, and (certain) uses. The MUI did not issue a fatwa on haram.

Deputy Secretary General of the MUI for Fatwa, Sholahudin Al Ayub, explained that MUI only issued halal fatwas on products, food, beverages, medicines, cosmetics, and (certain) uses.

"It should be noted that MUI does not certify the use of materials such as the brush. It should also be noted that the MUI does not stipulate a fatwa haram, but a halal fatwa, ”said Ayub when contacted by Tempo, Wednesday, September 4, 2019.

Ayub also denied that the MakanHalal.com website address was theirs. "Not. That is not the MUI website, "he said.

Meanwhile, quoted from Liputan6.com, Secretary of the National Halal Council of MUI Amirsyah Tambunan said it was important for a product to have a halal label. This is to prevent public doubts when using certain products.

“To avoid doubt. Any other use item that does not have a halal logo, means that it is in doubt. This means that it must be avoided, ”said Amirsyah to Liputan6.com, Monday, September 21, 2020.

In general, continued Amirsyah, halal certification is in accordance with Law number 33 concerning 2014 concerning the guarantee of halal products. Apart from food, there are other useful items that must have a halal label. Regarding the poster containing the narrative of the haram fatwa on brush products, Amirsyah gave his explanation. According to him, a product that is halal certified must follow several stages, including being audited by a professional auditor.

“Tracing what these brushes are made of. And the one who performs this search is a professional auditor, usually he has the tools to do this search. So we can't immediately claim that something. But there must be an audit, "explained Amirsyah.

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