BOGOR - Commission III of the DPR RI promised to immediately summon the National Land Agency (BPN) of Bogor Regency and PT Sentul City Tbk regarding the land dispute with residents of Bojongkoneng and Cijayanti, Bogor Regency, West Java.

"We will call BPN and the developer (PT Sentul City). Then we will coordinate with the West Java Police, so as a result we will form a Special Committee for the Land Mafia," said Deputy Chairman of Commission III DPR RI Adies Kadir after meeting residents who had a dispute with PT Sentul City in one of the cafes in Bojongkoneng, Bogor, Antara, Thursday, March 17.

Adies said Commission III of the DPR RI will trace the origins of the issuance of the right to use certificate (HGU) owned by PT Sentul City on land that has been occupied by the community for hundreds of years.

"We will investigate how this certificate can be issued in the midst of people occupying hundreds of years and paying the PBB. We will start from here, and all factions almost agree," said the Golkar Party politician.

One of the residents of Bojongkoneng, Ato Khoerudin, complained about his land and village treasury land which was taken over by PT Sentul City. He said that his family had occupied his place of residence for more than 70 years.

"Village treasury land, for the people, if for example they don't have a house, they can live there. But the village treasury land is taken by the company," he complained in front of members of Commission III of the DPR RI.

Another resident of Bojongkoneng, Ade Emon, hopes that Commission III of the DPR will immediately resolve land disputes in his area. He admitted that he had fought so hard that he ended up in prison for four months because he was considered to have damaged the Bojongkoneng Village Office some time ago.

"I was convicted by the village head himself. Even though we as residents protested because until there was a pembekoan (land clearing) in front of the house, there was no notification at all from the village government," said Emon.

Meanwhile, PT Sentul City's Head of Corporate Communication David Rizar Nugroho ensured that PT Sentul City would fulfill the invitation of Commission III of the DPR.

RI regarding land disputes in Bojongkoneng and Cijayanti.

"Yes (we will comply with the DPR's call), we respect the DPR as a state institution," said David.

According to him, Sentul City has prepared a structuring program entitled "Kampung Hijau" specifically to respond to the ongoing land conflict. His party will donate the land to 913 heads of families (KK) residents of Bojong Koneng and Cijayanti villages.

"A total of 913 families of indigenous people will receive land grants from Sentul City, so that after going through the process of transferring rights, these 913 families of natives will have certificates of ownership on their behalf," he explained.

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