JAKARTA - Street vendors (PKL) in the Istiqlal Mosque area, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta are increasingly mushrooming. Even though the area has often been brought under control by Satpol PP officers since a few weeks ago.

Deputy Mayor of Central Jakarta, Irwandi said that the ranks of the Central Jakarta City Government together with the Satpol PP next week will regulate the presence of street vendors because they are considered to give the impression of being slum.

"Actually, it's not just controlling but just structuring traders. Their presence makes the mosque area slum," said Irwandi when contacted by VOI, Thursday, March 17.

He also said that the Istiqlal mosque area must be sterile from the presence of street vendors. It is planned that on Tuesday next week a review will be carried out.

While the control will be carried out on Wednesday next week, March 23 to be exact, in the next 5 days.

"We do not have a place to accommodate the street vendors there. Later, after it is brought under control, we will place officers there," he said.

Confirmed separately, Central Jakarta Head of Central Jakarta Satpol PP, Bernard Tambunan, said that his party was optimizing the post-combating surveillance.

This step, said Bernard, anticipates a boom in traders because mosque activities have reopened.

"Later, a barrier will be given to dispel traders. We will build a post there to keep no traders out," he said.

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