MEDAN - Female patient set fire to a hospital caught on surveillance camera. The video was later uploaded and went viral on social media.

The incident occurred at Dr Tengku Mansyur Hospital, Tanjung Balai City, North Sumatra, Tuesday, March 15, noon.

In the video, a fire appears in one corner of the room. As a result, the hospital atmosphere looks noisy because the smoke spreads throughout the room.

Health workers were also seen trying to save patients from the hospital room. Meanwhile, visitors who were at the hospital seemed scattered.

From the incident, there were no fatalities. This case has been reported by the RSUD Dr Tengku Mansyur to the Tanjungbalai Police. From the information obtained, the woman had the initials DEP (45).

Now, the police are hunting for the suspect in the burning of the hospital owned by the Tanjungbalai City Government.

The Head of Public Relations of the Tanjungbalai Police, Iptu Ahmad Dahlan, explained the chronology of the hospital burning incident. The incident started when DEP enrolled at the hospital's Poly Obgyn.

"Before it was his turn, the DEP suddenly broke through the queue. The perpetrator immediately met the medical team who were on duty. Next, they asked for fertility drugs for the IVF program. However, the perpetrator explained that he was single or unmarried," explained Iptu Dahlan, Wednesday. March 16.

Furthermore, the officer explained that the Tengku Mansyur Hospital did not provide IVF program. After receiving an explanation from the officers, DEP then left the hospital.

"Not long after, the perpetrator came back to the hospital with a plastic bag filled with liquid. Next, the perpetrator sat back on the bench in the Poly Obgyn patient queue," he said.

Iptu Dahlan said the DEP then poured liquid in a plastic suspected of being fuel beside Poly Saraf at the hospital and immediately ignited it with a lighter. Suddenly the fire grew and panicked people in the hospital.

"Immediately the fire ignited burning the poly obgyn section and several hospital officers shouted that there was a space fire," said Dahlan.

Seeing the fire, the hospital security officer immediately extinguished the fire using a fire poison canister. Meanwhile, DEP escaped from the hospital.

"After checking, it was found that several items that were burned were a sink, a bench, a table, a cupboard, documents or patient data and a fan," he said.

From the results of the alley crime scene conducted by the police, Iptu Dahlan explained that the plastic packaging that the perpetrator brought after being kissed, smelled of plastic that smelled of fuel oil (BBM).

"As a result of the incident, several items that were burned could no longer be used because they were damaged by fire and the hospital suffered material losses of approximately Rp. 1 million," he said.

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