JAKARTA - Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari will undergo an indictment trial in the case of alleged bribery in the processing of a fatwa from the Supreme Court (MA) through the Attorney General's Office so that Djoko Tjandra is not executed in the Bank Bali cessie case, and in the money laundering crime (TPPU) case.

The Attorney General's Office said that Pinangki Sirna Malasari had received US $ 500 thousand or the equivalent of 7.5 billion from Djoko Tjandra for the management of MA's fatawa. Some of the money received was used by Pianangki for several personal purposes.

One of them is renting The Pakubuwono Signature Apartment and Darmawangsa Essence Apartment. The rental payment for the two apartments uses money that is still in US dollar denominations.

"The rental payments for Darmawangsa Essence Apartments and Pakubowono Signature Apartments use US dollar cash," the AGO Kapuspenkum was quoted as saying, Tuesday, September 22.

In the documents received by VOI, Pinangki rented the Pakubuwono Signature Apartment for one year. Namely February 2020 to February 2021 amounting to 68,900 US dollars or equivalent to Rp940 million.

In detail, on February 8, 2020 Pinangki submitted an advance through marketing worth US $ 5,300. Then on February 10, Pinangki made a payment of US $ 63,600.

The owner of this 20D unit apartment is Thio Boen Heng. Pinangki rented this apartment using people's names. Its purpose is to disguise the hope of the money proposal.

Meanwhile, for the rental at Darmawangsa Essence Apartments, Pinangki Sirna Malasari spent 38,400 US dollars or the equivalent of Rp. 525 million. Pinangki also uses someone else's name to rent this apartment.

In the case of the MA fatwa, the Prosecutor Pinangki called the AGO conspired with Anita Kolopaking and former NasDem politician Andi Irfan Jaya in arranging the MA fatwa in order to overturn Djoko Tjandra's execution in the case of transferring the collection rights of Bank Bali.

"PSM, Andi Irfan Jaya and Joko Soegiarto Tjandra also agreed to give US $ 10,000,000 to officials at the Attorney General's Office and the Supreme Court," said Kapuspenkum Kejagung Hari Setiyono, Jakarta, Thursday, September 17.

Hari said Djoko Tjandra prepared US $ 1 million for Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari to administer the Supreme Court's fatwa.

Kongkalikong started in November 2019, Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari, Anita Kolopaking and Andi Irfan Jaya had a meeting with Djoko Tjandra. The meeting was at The Exchange 106 TrX Circle Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

During the meeting, Joko Soegiharto Tjandra was willing to provide cash compensation of 1,000,000 US dollars for Pinangki related to the fatwa.

"(The money) was handed over through a private party, namely Andi Irfan Jaya as a colleague of Pinangki Sirna Malasari," said Hari.

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